regulatory professionalsRegulatory professionals have complicated jobs with many types of demands; tight timelines, divisional overlap and complex project plans. It’s therefore critical that regulatory professionals be persuasive, engaging and influential within their companies and health authorities. The first step in getting there is improved communication skills.

When you understand your audience, you can communicate at your best. Different persuasive tactics are needed to be truly effective, clear and compelling. By learning how to apply framing techniques, identify decision-making styles and utilize resistance to your advantage, you can effectively raise your regulatory voice.

At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will have a better understanding of:

  • Persuasive tactics to improve your communications skills.
  • Framing techniques and how they are best applied.
  • How to identify decision-making styles and craft your arguments for them.

Join the RAPS Indiana Chapter for this interactive webcast to learn new and innovative techniques to be more persuasive and influential in your communications as a regulatory professional. This activity is coordinated by the RAPS Indiana Chapter and intended to provide knowledge sharing and professional development opportunity for regulatory professionals in your region. RAC holders may claim one RAC recertification credit.


Registration details

Date:January 30, 2018
Time:1:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET
Credits:1.00 RAC
Featured speaker:Frank J. Carillo, chief executive officer, ECG Healthcare
Pearl Pathways’ Senior Advisor, John Lockwood, RAC, CQA, CSQE, currently serves as Chair of the RAPS Indiana Chapter.