According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, antibiotic-resistant pathogens known as ‘superbugs’ are the cause for around 23,000 deaths and over 2 million infections in the U.S. every year. Alarmed by this data, the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) has authorized a federal plan to encourage the development of new antibiotics; a field that Big Pharma has largely avoided due to substantial risks. In an effort to regain interest, PCAST is promoting federal funding and additional incentives.

Additional concerns of the council relate to the clinical development path for new antibiotics. PCAST co-chair Eric Lander recommends an “ongoing, continuous clinical trial network” in order to enroll patients with antibiotic-resistant infections as quickly and safely as possible.

To read an article by Emily Millin’s on, click here.

Pearl Pathways has extensive experience in infectious disease and antibiotic product development.  Contact us to learn more.